The removal of scroll bars in my view is another example of the idiotic and shallow ideology of putting style over functionality. This is back to front to how it should be and is indicative of the dumbing down of society to me. Scroll bars serve an important functional purpose that other alternative methods cannot always replicate. I think the change is partly based on the notion that people use touch screens so it is therefore not needed, but many people still do not. Many alternative methods require extra concentration and finesse to manipulate which is a drain of energy I'd rather spend on doing work, rather than fighting with a bad user interface. Traditional scrolling methods usually go together with keyboard scrolling by pressing the arrow down key, which I find much easier than other methods that require more concentration, but with scroll bars being removed, keyboard arrow scrolling also sometimes disappears with it which should be a BIG no-no! An example is The big F social network has caused irritation constantly with it's "dynamic' scrolling style whilst scrolling up through msg history, and where you don't know whereabouts you are in the conversation while scrolling up, but then you scroll up past a certain point and suddenly an extra load of conversation history is loaded and you end up jumping far ahead of where you wanted to be.
I think it's also partly ignorance, and partly a desire to save resources and bandwidth on the servers to save companies money at the expense of user experience. It's also about dumbing things down for idiots to make things "easier" to use for very basic commands, at the expense of making things more troublesome for anyone who is not dumbed down and might want to do something ever so slightly out of the ordinary. I hope blockchain heralds the end of this era of sacrificing user experience to save money, and we can have systems that work quickly and are hassle-free for both basic and advanced users.
For example, wouldn't it be great if software like skype and F messenger let you instantly scroll to the very beginning of your msg history instead of waiting forever for section after section to load?! I've always suspected that is to save resources of loading the whole lot at once. However, if someone with a bit of intelligence and nuanced thinking were designing this,(more common in blockchain circles than corporations I hope), we could all have our cake and eat it. We can save resources (which is still not a trivial thing even in the blockchain), and get the info we want instantly without having to put up with this hideous page by page loading system.
Simply layout the framework of the whole timeline history on a scroll bar along with dates that pop up as you scroll. As soon as you let go on the mouse button or strop scrolling, that particular section can load. If you want to go right back to the beginning, scroll right to the top and only the first page needs to load. If you do need everything to load straight away though, to search a keyword for example, then just provide a simple button that can be pressed if necessary to get the whole msg history or history of whatever it is you were scrolling through.
If someone signals specifically it is necessary for all that to load, then the blockchain should accommodate the resources. This is the difference between it and corporations on the old model, who I suspect would be reluctant to allow even those that specifically need everything to load, to be able to do so to protect their resources for their filthy profit motive and screw the user. This is why we need blockchain, and preferably the open version.