Because it's a touchscreen device there might be a few other solutions instead of using icons or buttons. In the design projects I've been working on I've ben trying to envision how the content can function as the interface so the UI can be more directly engaged with, well at least as much as possible.
One option would be to continue the vertical list (like Mail on the iPhone). Then at the end of the list, which is a single screen, you could provide a "Load more [list items]" control. This avoids overwhelming the users with a really long list of items they need to initially review.
The second option would be to create "Panels", each contain a screen's worth of list items (8-10). Conceptually the panels would line up along a horizontal axis (like the panorama view in the Windows Phone 7 UI). In this option the right panel (next set of list items) would peek out from the edge of the screen and indicate a) its presence and b) that the current panel can be swiped to the left to reveal the next panel. This functionality (only visible on the right) should be enough to indicate that the UI swipes l-to-r so there might only be a need for the hinting of the next panel and not the previous panel.
Not knowing the audience and their goals, etc these options might be off base but I hope this helps a somewhat.
Here's a quick sketch to illustrate the two options