First, to keep us on the same page this is what I mean when I am saying Quick Nav. (Example from Lonely Planet) It is supplementary navigation to inform you what is on the page and send you down to the target content with anchor links.
While I am aware that generally, we want to ensure that we keep experiences consistent across pages; I am designing a site with the intention to keep most pages straight forward and to the point such that they wouldn't require a supplementary quick nav.
However, there are a couple of the overview pages I am considering using a quick nav style to enhance the usability.
So the root of my question is: Is the added utility sufficient motivation to ignore the loss of consistency?
My feeling is that it is ok, but I wanted to hear other's thoughts.
(Again, I know without looking at the wireframes you don't have the proper context to judge this case specifically but am more so asking about the general convention.)