There are many important technologies coming to web browsers in the next few years. Not to mention that where we are today is a culmination of lessons learned and several security pitfalls.
However, as security progresses, and time goes on, users have the same red/green "lock" icon that (sometimes incorrectly) that the security is fine. Most users take this as a comprehensive "I'm OK" icon and move on and sometimes get their identity stolen, or even worse, reporters for human rights in Iraq/Iran are hacked, located and physically attacked.
I'm suggesting a wild idea; What if we were to include a date, or some score alongside or within the lock icon that can give users some context regarding their security?
Here is how it could play out: Suppose a website is never maintained, and uses technology from 1998. Hackers then target it for attacks... then perhaps it should say "1998" near the lock icon.
Perhaps it could be inspired by the windows rating system:
Sure this is just an outline of an idea, and would require the co-operation of bigger players, but what do you think of it?
Please note! I revised this question significantly.
Many answers below are regarding a "geek indicator" I originally wanted. Yep that was a bad idea! I was using the wrong lingo with the wrong crowd. Designers aren't usually geeks, but programmers like myself are.
I'm posting this here among designers to raise awareness of the cat-and-mouse game between hackers and security professional. Both sides have to improve their tools, and users should be able to have a fair say in what happens beyond their control.
Besides, if we had the icon enhancement I'm dreaming of, then maybe we could have eliminated legacy browsers, long ago because end users would demand safety and security. Just imagine how much CSS work that would save you. (yes I'm buttering you up)