I'm building a product where a patient talks to a health expert over their smartphone. Characterstics of the conversation:
- Conversation goes on over a year (more long-term than, say, a conversation with a customer support)
- Response time of the expert is within 24 hours, only on week days
- Every patient has one health expert assigned. One expert manages multiple patients
- Only a single long conversation, not multiple subjects / threads of conversation
- It will exist on iOS and Android
I'm wondering what the best interface is on the patient side.
I see 2 main directions:
- Mail-like: Like a thread in Gmail, Inbox or Apple Mail. The conversation is a list of messages that are usually collapsed but can be expanded on tap. To compose a message you tap a dedicated icon, a new dialog shows up in which you write the message.
- Chat-like: Like a chat in iOS Messages or Whatsapp. The conversation is a list of messages that are fully visible (not collapsed). To compose a new message you tap into a compose field at the bottom of the screen. Messages tend to be short because the compose field is small.