I think the carousel has its use in e-commerce depending on the type (actually the size) of website that you deal with.
For example if you deal with a website that has the size of e-bay there should be a carousel there in order to announce deals, new products and other type of information that otherwise would not reach the final consumer. I guess there is a study on this too but it is common sense to channel the user to something unless you already know something about his browsing preferences (ex: the case when you use cookies or he already has an account).
On the other side if you deal with a website where you have a very small range of products, there is no need for carousel (example: http://www.hardgraft.com/) and it is more than obvious that one of these tools would definitely disturb users.
A good exercise would be for someone to imagine getting to target.com for the first time and not having a carusel ... where would he go, what would be the bounce rate for the homepage etc.
Also there are examples of carousels on homepage on very small websites (http://cleaneverything.com/) but in my opinion on this example the carusel is useless.