I'm working on a multi step process in an Android App and I wonder if there is good solution out there to enable the user to access all (3 maybe 4) steps without wasting too much screen estate.
In Step 2, the user is working on a long list of items, like a todo-list. Processed items move to the finished tab and can be reviewed an undone from there. Once the list is empty, it shows a button to move on to the next Step.
But the user may decide to move on without finishing the whole list and the user may want to revisit Step 1 from Step 3. I thought about a bottom navigation or some other additional navigation bar with access to all steps, but in Step 2 you than have Tabs and some similar looking element and if I also keep the standard android top bar there might be not enough room for the list.
I have 2 ideas: Adding a menu to access all steps. I hesitate using the three dots context menu icon here, because this interaction seems too important to me...
Or working on a custom top bar that shows all steps.
What do you think?