I was recently request to change all our action button labels from 'Add' to 'Select', simply because the action happens after clicking “Done” on the screen footer.
So, I was wondering… while “Select” is very clear, how should we label the button after selection was made?
I have 3 options:
Negate the label, so the label still calling for action:
- Select/Unselect or,
- Select/Deselect
Change the label to indicate the selected items:
- Select/Selected
While between option 1 and 2, 2 is clearly the better one (according dictionary, Ngram viewer comparing the usage, or Google trends), what is the better option between 2 &3?
Use label for call to action (I find ‘Deselect’ awkward), or use the check-box Equivalence, which is ‘Selected’?