I want to improve the user experience for an interface used to edit what we call a date-chained sequence (perhaps there's other jargon I'm not familiar with)
For example, an online retailer might want to plan price changes in advance - maybe an item should be $200 from today until 24-NOV-2016, $150 from 25-NOV-2016 to 27-NOV-2016, and $180 from 28-NOV-2016 onwards. There should be no gaps between the date-ranges, as then the item wouldn't have a price.
Or a more complicated example: an airline wants to adjust prices based on two dates - the date of the flight and the date the customer books. Let's say the price for an economy seat for flight AB123 on a Thursday should be $100 for journeys departing 01-FEB-2016 to 14-FEB-2016 booked between 01-JAN-2016 and 14-JAN-2016; but $150 for those booked between 15-JAN-2016 and 31-JAN-2016; while flights departing 15-FEB-2016 to 29-FEB-2016 should cost $110 if booked between 01-JAN-2016 and 31-JAN-2016. Again, there should be no gaps.
Is there a name for this sort of data / user interface?
Where can I see really good user interfaces for working with this sort of data, especially interfaces users might already be familiar with? Or do you have any other suggestions for how I should address this?