I hope I'm able to describe this functionality effectively.
We have a feature which allows a user to create "Authenticator Groups". The groups determines how a user can register. There are "Allowed" authenticator groups and "Disallowed" authenticators (not groups!). Allowed authenticators, for example, could contain the following:
Group 1
Android 5.0
Nexus 5
Group 2
iOS 8.0
iPhone 5S
Group 3
- Nexus 6
So the above means that you can register with:
- Andoid 5.0 AND Nexus 5 OR
- iOS 8 AND iPhone 5S OR
- Nexus 6
Then there are the "Disallowed" authenticators which would be something like:
- Android 4.0
Combining this with the allowed authenticator types would effectively rule out a Nexus 6 device running Android 4.0.
Frankly, I don't really know how to approach the UI for this feature. The aim is, obviously, to make a somewhat complex feature be as easy as possible to understand for the user. I'm hoping someone can help me out with this and I hope that the format of this question is suited to this Stack Exchange site.