I'm developing a simple cash flow system to a college work and couldn't realize a good way to present the form to register the values that are received and paid.
My idea is to make it as simple as possible, so the user won't have to insert much information (I tried various personal finances softwares in my short life and abandon a lot of them because the form to register a transaction are annoying).
A picture of my current form:
"Conta de Capital" is the bank account related to the transaction.
"Data/Hora" is the date/time of the transaction.
"Efetivado" indicates if the transaction already happened or if is waiting something.
"Entrada" and "Saída" indicates if it's an income value or an expense.
"Plano de Contas" is the user defined category of the transaction. Like "Gas", "Food", "Transportation", etc.
"Valor" is the value of the transaction.
"Descrição" is some description that the user could want to register [optional].
"Documento Vinculado" is the number of a document related to the transaction, like an invoice number [optional].
Things that I thought I could do:
- Put a title identifying that it is an income value and a button to change to expense
- Let the user insert the "Plano de Contas" (category) freely, just like the GMail tags:
(I did't make it already because is a challenge to me to do that and I don't have so much time). - Hide the date/time field as the user will hardly feel the necessity to change it.
Well, help me deciding what's the best approach to make the software easier to use.