Our apps frequently deal with events that begin on one day and end on the next. This almost always turns something very simple, such as:
Event: Yankees vs Red Sox | Date: 9/1/14 | Start Time: 8pm | End Time: 12:00 AM
Into a drawn out discussion about whether we should display the end date, and where it should be placed in the order of information.
Event: Yankees vs Red Sox | Start Date: 9/1/14 | Start Time: 8pm | End Date: 9/2/14 | End Time: 12:00 AM
Event: Yankees vs Red Sox | Start Date: 9/1/14 | Start Time: 8pm | End Time: 12:00 AM | End Date: 9/2/14
My argument is always that it is understood that this event ends the day after it began (we aren't dealing with events that go for greater than 3624 hours), so why clutter the screen with it?
I need a pattern.