I have an iPad app interface that feels a little weird to me and I'm wondering if anybody has seen a good solution to this situation. (I've changed the content so that I can post it here---my app is not really about cookies and cake so sorry if the content feels a little contrived)
Here's the scenario:
You have presented the user with a modal dialog where they will set a bunch of things and then tap create. (Let's say they are setting up a menu for a catering company or something like that)
On one section of the dialog, the user can choose from a list of things (they can select only one), and one of those items comes with a sub-setting (In this example it's Cookies, they can choose how many)
There will be more options soon (otherwise a button bar at top might work, right?) ...but let's say we know that in the next year we will add Fruit Salad, Cupcakes and some other things.
Let's also say that you want to interface to feel like stuff is there (otherwise a single line that calls up a carousel of options might work, right? but it would look too sparse)
Here's a mockup: