There are some questions that have been asked along this topic; however, I did not find this exact question.
I am having a disagreement with the technical architect on my team in regards to how to display search results in a table. The app will be internally used by business people. The tech arch is saying that the result records should be displayed all in 1 tab with just a scroll option, regardless of how many records there are. Even if there are a very large number of records he says all records should display in 1 table with a long scrolling option. My solution was to have a pre-designated number of records on each table (for example 100) and then a 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > Next and etc at the bottom of the table so user can move to different table screens and access different records. My reasoning for this is that it will be easier to recall records (I personally been in a number of situations where I was able to access a record by remember that its on table 4 for example). Additionally, I think it's easier to consume records in organized batches, versus thousands in 1 table with never ending scrolling.
We were not able to perform any user research on this and have not gone into usability testing yet, so we are trying to figure this out on our own in terms of what is the best solution.
Just wanted some of your opinions on this issue.