I've a list of items in a table view, each of which display a small image and a name, as well as a disclosure indicator to navigate to a view with the item's details:
The behavior I want is to be able to see a tapped item's details, and also be able to mark one of the items as selected (currently, checkmark at left side of the cell). When a cell is tapped, I display another view similar to this:
where a button to select the current item is placed, since I couldn`t use the tap gesture on the cell to both display the details view and mark the cell as selected.
However, this pattern forces the user to navigate to the details simply to select the item. I've been thinking about providing a control within the item's cell (in the first image) to select/deselect it when tapping such control, any ideas? A custom checkbox on the left side? A button? What may iOS users expect? I need this to conform the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
EDIT: In case I'd perform selection/deselection by means of an specific gesture for that, instead of adding a control within the cell, which gesture should it be? Touch and hold? Simple tap is already the standard touch for navigation...