My app has a table containing a list of financial securities. One of the columns is the security's position in a list of all available securities ranked by performance.
For example: security XYZ is ranked 10 out of 200. The table will contain the security name ("XYZ"), a few columns containing XYZ data and then the desired icon/graph displaying its rank (10/200). (For clarification, the table contains only a few securities, not the whole list, hence the rank icon.)
At first, I thought about simply displaying it in numeric form, but the numbers could get pretty big if there are many items in the list. (Ex: 14.567 / 87.654).
My next attempt was using a horizontal progress bar (Bootstrap) where the best ranked security would have a full bar and vice-versa. The tests showed that users did not understand the bar as a rank and were confused.
I tried a vertical bar as well but that looked a bit awkward.
Any ideas on how this data could be displayed?