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I'm struggling to add a form that needs to sit in a pane above a table. The form fields needs to be vertically arranged. It currently feels...off. I've tried centring it and stretching the card to 100% width, but neither help it make look less awkward. Does anyone have any suggestion on what to do with that extra space? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • Can you tell what the relationship is between the form and the table? Is that form a filter for the table data perhaps? Maybe there’s a different problem than just the spacing.
    – jazZRo
    Commented Oct 21 at 5:44

1 Answer 1


The table below is inside a white frame and the form is an image that floats on the screen.

I would go for the "window effect", enclosing the image (the form) in a slightly darker frame, for example using the grey of the bottom line of the table header.

window effect

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