Anyone see any problem with a series of GO buttons for each step of a mobile diagnostic app?
That is, when user starts iPhone app, user sees titling, a couple of optional config controls,
and a big GO button.
User presses GO, view changes, user is asked to do something and then tap another GO button.
This repeats a couple times.
Finally, there's a STOP button shown instead of GO.
This is for an iPhone app that checks performance of our health wearable.
This will only be used by in-house (mostly engineering) personnel, and also executive team including CEO to verify performance of wearable, such as on a golf course.
I want to minimize user having to stop and interpret the meaning of a different button title at each step -- so they just get used to: GO ... GO ... GO ... GO ... STOP
boom, they're done.
(maybe "DONE" instead of STOP..)