This is a two part question.
Licence Expiration: When a platform license expires, users are logged out and everyone sees the paywall. How should users be notified that this forced log out is about to happen? Only the Admin sees a countdown on their top nav bar, regular users don't know when this forced log out will happen. I thought of a few options:
- Upon Log in you immediately see the paywall, don't have time to access the platform. ( seems most used)
- Once inside the platform a Modal saying:" Your org. license expires Today at [time].please contact.." Second modal:" Your org. has expired. You will be logged out in 40 seconds. Contact your..."
- A banner could be an option too, like for maintenance.
License renewal: When a platform license expires, people are logged out and everyone sees the paywall. When the Account admin renews the license, how should users be notified that they have access again?
If the users returns to the browser tab or enters the platform URL, they will land on the Log in Page with a banner that says: " Subscription has been renewed.." ( I am told by the dev this option cannot be done, they don't have user's info to display this info on the login page)
Everyone receives an email " Your license has been renewed.." with a Log in Link.
Nothing. These things tend to be communicated in person in the office.