Depending on the questions asked, rating values can become quite burdensome in terms of cognitive load. When the user is asked to rate a property of your system, they are generally not asked for a precise measure, but an estimate or a perceived value.
Can you always confidently tell the difference between something rated 2/10 and 3/10? What about 7/10 and 8/10? Using linear choices for estimation is tricky as it's sometimes difficult to perceive meaningful changes on such a scale. Especially with such high fidelity of 10 choices - at least you're not using a slider which further increases cognitive load with per-pixel positioning. Even 5 choices was too many for youtube users to choose video ratings from!
Perhaps it's worthwhile to take a step back from the solution and have another look at the problem you're trying to solve? Maybe the feedback you're after is not an arbitrary velocity rating, but rather satisfaction with that particular facet of the system? Using Likert items could provide meaningful feedback:
A Likert item is simply a statement which the respondent is asked to
evaluate according to any kind of subjective or objective criteria;
generally the level of agreement or disagreement is measured. It is
considered symmetric or "balanced" because there are equal numbers of
positive and negative positions.
So, for each criteria you could ask the user to evaluate a statement:
The system is fast enough to be used for ***
Strongly disagree - Disagree - Neither agree nor disagree - Agree - Strongly agree
Or ask a question:
Has the system met your velocity expectations?
significantly below expectations - below expectations - met expectations - above expectations - significantly above expectations
Or go back to a rating scale, but use verbose values:
How would you rate the system speed?
unacceptable - poor - satisfactory - good - excellent
Note that option choices should be carefully phrased to avoid anchoring/biasing the user against/towards an option. In the last example, the term "satisfactory" is equivalent of a zero rating (no negative feedback, no positive feedback). However if your system gets rated a solid zero across all categories, that's something to be proud of!