Case sensitive passwords are harder(takes longer) to crack, also introducing numbers and !"£$%^&*()_+ signs would increase the security level:
Normal Text: easypassword
Md5 Hash: da866cabf093419a02d56b080e03072f
Normal Text: easyPassword
Md5 Hash: 3e125b94f50c4e8109b056f808750839
If you want to keep the old users without applying this new change you could allow them to log in without it, based on username.
And all new users that register should use case sensitive passwords, should put a little note when the user is registering that the password is case sensitive.
Another way is to ask the old users update their passwords when they will try to log in after this change, allow them to enter their old password and then redirect them to a forgot password page or create new password page of course have an explanation that due to security update(make it sound positive) the passwords now are case sensitive.