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Aaron Benjamin's user avatar
Aaron Benjamin's user avatar
Aaron Benjamin
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
4 votes

Best UX approach for filtering product categories?

3 votes

Using different styles of buttons to enhance the "accept" button over the "cancel" one is a good idea?

1 vote

WCAG AA Compliance and Card Patterns

1 vote

How should I format my Date field Helper Text?

1 vote

How can I signify the ability to edit something in a table?

1 vote

UX guidelines application tour / tutorial

1 vote

What are -if they exist- the best books about UX and business?

1 vote

What part of overview item should be clickable

0 votes

Why we don't use wider interfaces on wide screens

0 votes

Responsive Webdesign: How to reduce headlines, labels etc on smaller devices

0 votes

Why do call centers suck so much, and why do people hate them?

0 votes

Is there a method for deciding when it is okay to remove a feature?

0 votes

Negative Effects on UX from Text on Images

0 votes

Why do people love Comic Sans?

0 votes

Research on the Usability of Grid Views

0 votes

What's the best practice for closing modal dialogs?

0 votes

What word can be used to mean either click or tap?

0 votes

prototyping tool that support hover

0 votes

Looking for study of (bad) effects when implementing user wishes verbatim