Questions tagged [wizard]

a sequence of dialog options that guides a user through a process such as software installation in discrete steps.

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Buttons on a wizard

In our current framework, we are presented with the challenge of accommodating five distinct action buttons: "Submit," "Back" (to the previous page), "Cancel" (to exit), &...
Ben zieda Nesrine's user avatar
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1 answer

How to create a multi step form with conditional steps?

I am designing a highly complex form for creating a software company. We are yet to decide on if the form needs to be designed as a Wizard. The first step of the form will gather basic details and ...
Shubham Tank's user avatar
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3 answers

Navigating between steps in a wizard

I have searched for what feels like hours for an answer to this, or research to support a direction. We are using a wizard for customer creation. Currently the user can navigate between steps using '...
Michelle Walstra's user avatar
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How to design a complex process with 15 steps

I designed a web form using a wizard approach and my product owner liked it. Unfortunately, they now want to use the wizard for everything. Our next screens have over 15 steps and each step is pretty ...
sam's user avatar
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Registration Portal UX with many steps & complex requirements - Best practices & good examples?

I'm designing a web-based registration portal. There is a long list of requirements people need to get ready before they can successfully register. The research indicates that many new applicants are ...
cgtk's user avatar
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Requiring a complex action before sharing externally [closed]

This is my first post to UXStackExchange, so I apologize if I miss something or am too long. I have been tasked with solving a complex problem for an internal enterprise app. We are working on ...
melanctha's user avatar
2 votes
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Bad wizard navigation?

I'm working on an installation guide, or "wizard", for a web application. The installation guide will be quite complex, with many different steps, each taking up around a minute or two for ...
Chris's user avatar
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Wizard/Stepper in mobile app: navigation options in final review step of wizard

I have an 8-step wizard in my app and in the penultimate step, the user has to review all of the choices made in previous steps. The user may only proceed to the final step of the wizard if the ...
Aldinjo's user avatar
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1 answer

Wizard/Stepper in mobile app: "abort wizard" and "back button"

I have an 8-step wizard in my app and want the user to be able to abort the whole wizard. My app has a title bar and usually, the top left icon is either a "burger icon" (opening the main ...
Aldinjo's user avatar
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What could be the best practice for a long list of options in a mobile based wizard with the possibility to select nothing?

I am trying to redesign a wizard step in a mobile application setup. The user should input the year and months of experience and there should be an option to select something like "I don't have ...
roostaamir's user avatar
2 votes
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In a sign-up wizard, how can I let a user enter the same fields for different languages on every step?

I need to design a signup wizard for a web app that is going to be used only inside a firm. The app can be accessed from desktops and mobiles. The average end-user is not very technical, so the ...
zira's user avatar
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Wizard layout form practice question

I have a form on my UI. Some fields in there are mandatory. The user needs to enter these fields and click next to proceed to the next sent of fields..basically a wizard layout. What is a better ...
Karthik Rajendran's user avatar
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How to display detailed information inside modal

I'm currently designing a 3-step creator for detecting objects in a live video stream with the help of AI. The modal below shows the video and the radio button-like object selectors. However, I also ...
Chris's user avatar
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Wizards size consistency across application

Is there a general guidline how to solve a consistency of Wizard forms accross a desktop application? I am especialy interrested in to the size of windows. Should be all the wizards of same size? Is ...
Jan Hlavsa's user avatar
2 votes
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How to add item details within a in a multi-step wizard process?

I am working on a project that involves a wizard-type form workflow. In one part of the process, our system will return items we found for the user. The user will then need to provide details about ...
shoverian's user avatar
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2 answers

how to introduce control in a process divided into different screens / sections?

We need to introduce some control in a very extensive process that is completed in different days. Today these processes are divided into different sections / modules. Each section is a screen on a ...
Maria M.'s user avatar
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Concerned that listing "other" may mislead when displaying ranges

In the image below, you can see below the blue line 4 options. I am creating a step by step wizard where I try to minimize the amount of user typing required by adding in clickable buttons to collect ...
gxrobb's user avatar
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Is stepper component obsolete from a UX perspective?

I am implementing a stepper with Material-UI something that seems to be a local navigation system (different steps show complete detail views, tables with related entities, other views for related ...
Lala's user avatar
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Questions, Statements or Mix in a Wizard

I'm creating a wizard for a flow to apply to a job, and this consists of about 10 screens. So, my question is, on each screen, which is the best UX? Phrase every heading as a question (for instance, &...
Mikael's user avatar
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What sort of progress indicator would you use for this task?

I have checked online as well as on the forum here that touches on my specific scenario and have not had any luck. Context: User downloads a third party app from our platform but they are missing ...
DavidPicarazzi's user avatar
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How to best handle a modal with multiple tabs and buttons

We have a modal that is used for an action to Add an item and Edit an existing item. It also has a button to delete the item all together. I am trying to determine the best way to handle the button ...
husseinSD's user avatar
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How will you manage this step inside a wizard? Hard level: external plugins and valid signatures certificates needed

I'll try to explain myself as best as I can: I need to create a flow for sign documents in bulk. I mean, the user selects in a table a number of documents, and then the user applies the sign to all ...
Vicepresidente de diseño's user avatar
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Back button in wizard

I'm designing a multi-step wizard, and in the design I've included a back button in-line with the individual step markers We've discussed things internally, and it has been suggested that the back ...
PaReeOhNos's user avatar
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2 answers

Onboardings and wizards - should I show the steps of the process?

So I need to design onboarding screens for a credit card company. I started to look around on different onboardings and collect ideas from different products such as Lemonade, Forward, Grammarly etc. ...
Uzi Cohen's user avatar
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Wizard or page?

What would you recommend? We have a "webform" we need to build and we have been talking about using a wizard to ease the steps of this form for the user. But we also talked about editing in ...
Mark Stoumann's user avatar
3 votes
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Editing of individual items and saving them

I am working on an application where I have to ask customers for input. Categories are on the left side of the page. Inside one category user needs to fill the details of multiple items. User will be ...
UXbychoice's user avatar
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Should I use popups inside a wizard form?

I have a very long wizard form and I need to add even more information within each step. For now I have decided to add it using pop-ups. I know it is a bad practice, but I can not come up with a ...
Marcella's user avatar
2 votes
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Change size of modal in wizard experience

I am building a wizard experience to guide a user through a complex setup flow. In the flow, some steps require more space and some require less space. Does it make sense to change the modal size on ...
harshikerfuffle's user avatar
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Legacy system content import tool [closed]

We have an old system, which is a course platform, and we are developing a new version of it, with other technology and some new features. I am designing the feature that will allow users to migrate ...
Bruno Santos's user avatar
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Best possible way to display 6 tabs with first 3 as mandatory steps and rest activated after completion of first 3?

We are revamping the attached page.We are using Angular Material framework.Requirement are as follows : 1. User needs to fill form in first three tab as mandate like a wizard or stepper. (Expected ...
Apramit's user avatar
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Displaying selection of sub-categories within a Card

I am working on application that analyzes live video and can tell, with the help of AI, when an object of a certain type (e.g human, vehicle) is detected in the video. The application will have a ...
Chris's user avatar
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Navigation between steps on mobile form wizard, automatically or scrolling to "next" button?

I have a form wizard, which looks like this: On this particular step, you are supposed to pick only one of the three items. On the desktop version buttons "Next" and "Back" are fixed to the bottom ...
Kamil Latosinski's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Why might it be silly to have a 2-step Wizard?

In reference to 'Designing Interfaces' it's stated that it's silly to have a 2-step wizard. What are the reasons for this and is it really all that bad to have a 2-step wizard process? In either ...
RobbyReindeer's user avatar
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How to define modal size?

I want to design a modal-dialog, which contains a stepper. Also in some cases, the input fields are not too many and in other cases, they are A LOT of them. Which means if I predefine the size of the ...
TheManWithNoName's user avatar
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Use of summary step at the end of Wizard UI?

I am designing a wizard about adding events on a calendar. The last step of the wizard is the summary of the user's choices. Is it obligatory to use it, or can I skip it? PS. Number of Steps with ...
TheManWithNoName's user avatar
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Real time filtering or Wizard steps

At this moment, I'm working on a product finder tool. By answering different questions, you get advice that suggests a product of your interest. So, the answers to questions could lead to different ...
YengarIV's user avatar
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Should I use wizards steps if the user won't finish all the steps at the same day?

I'm currently designing a system and there is this specific functionality that the user has to complete a series of steps, but the last step won't be completed at the same day (it has a specific day ...
Bruno's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

stepper wizard, optional step, skip and next button?

A complex form, split into 5 steps using the material design stepper, step 4 is optional. should this screen have a 'SKIP' button and a 'NEXT' button, or just a 'NEXT' button?
Pixl's user avatar
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Wizard split step VS big step in B2B application

We are re-developing a B2B application to make it more user-friendly, but keep it robust. One of the features has popup wizard with 3 steps. On Step 2, we'll need to have a grid of items to be ...
aly.i.ux's user avatar
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How to convey the user that some of the form fields cannot be changed later?

I have a form wizard some input fields. On the first step of the wizard, there are 2 checkboxes which once the form has been submitted, cannot be edited. All other fields can be edited later on if the ...
Ashwin Nepal's user avatar
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Naming and metadata in a wizard flow

In a short wizard flow (4 steps), should the option for naming the wizard and other metadata (description, etc) come as the initial step or as a final step? I'm of the opinion that it should be a ...
Ashwin Nepal's user avatar
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Should steps in a wizard display in breadcrumbs?

The application I'm working on displays historical breadcrumbs. There's one section of the app that utilizes a wizard. Should the steps in the wizard also be displayed in the breadcrumbs, or just the ...
MRL's user avatar
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Does this type of UI need a Delete button?

This screen is part of a multi-step process. This screen, in particular, lets you add user emails by clicking on the "Add email" button. Clicking "Add email" appends a new textbox to the list. Once ...
J Bo's user avatar
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Best Practice for Form Layout - UI

I'm building out a form at the top of page, where we are collecting 3 pieces of information. Would it be best to display this one line at a time or show all at once? Scenario 1: - The first form ...
user122218's user avatar
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Wizard component - current state vs active state

The system is used for executing tests. Each test has to go through a number of stages that include user interaction with the system, meaning that each step also has a dedicated screen. We have in ...
Yoav Barak's user avatar
2 votes
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Splitting required inputs into onboarding & further steps

This is my first question here so it`s nice to meet you ! I am working on a bigger desktop web application that handles events & I am having a difficult time trying to establish a wizard as I ...
Chris's user avatar
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Is it bad to dynamically add wizard steps?

I'm designing a 5-step wizard where the user sees the steps during the wizard, so he knows where he is the whole time. However, in the first step I prompt the user with a question and if he answers "...
talbenmoshe's user avatar
3 votes
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Should the back button in a stepper be prominent?

I have a checkout page on my application that has two buttons, one to review the order, and one that goes back to the shopping cart. My product owner feels that the Back to Cart button needs to be ...
Stubnortz's user avatar
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Running a "Wizard of Oz" UX session without disclosure of the "magic"?

There's a lot of power in using the Wizard of OZ prototyping technique to shape the intents and personality of a conversational UI interaction, especially as it is "natural", voice-driven interaction. ...
uobroin's user avatar
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How to design a flat design wizard?

We are migrating our modal based wizards to be "flat" and included in the main navigation system. They should be accessible via a navigation bar. How do we place the different buttons and explain the ...
Robby Ward's user avatar