Questions tagged [web-app]

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172 votes
13 answers

Why is this design considered cluttered or overwhelming?

I'm developing a web app for Desktop and Tablet browsers. All of my UX knowledge stems from personal experience and iteration - I've never been formally trained. I took great care in presenting the ...
Jack Guy's user avatar
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118 votes
8 answers

Is "user-select: none" bad UX?

I was having a discussion today with a colleague. I showed her "user-select: none" - a CSS property that stops a user from selecting text. To me, this property allowed a more app-like experience to ...
Brody McKee's user avatar
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104 votes
11 answers

Are Scroll Bars Dead?

I recently heard a designer say something to the effect that modern web designs don't use visual scrollbars - or at least they're only visible when scrolling. I'm a front-end developer and hadn't ...
jbyrd's user avatar
  • 931
103 votes
11 answers

How can I best display a blank space character?

A web app I'm writing singles out individual characters found on a traditional keyboard. I have a very limited area in which the character can be displayed (which is basically the width of a W ...
James Donnelly's user avatar
95 votes
14 answers

Why are the profile pictures rounded nowadays?

Why are many websites and applications using round profile pictures? Even the top players like Google and Apple use round profile pics over conventional rectangle frames. Why?
Kay Gee's user avatar
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76 votes
31 answers

Common web app usability gotchas? [closed]

What are some common mistakes regarding usability for web applications?
72 votes
13 answers

Best UI to allow expert users to enter an ip address? (IPv4)

I am working on a web application which requires users to enter an IPv4 address (in dotted-quad decimal notation) for most of the primary tasks they need to perform. Our primary target "user" is a ...
jessegavin's user avatar
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54 votes
15 answers

What are some great web-based prototyping tools? [closed]

I'm looking for a list of web-based prototyping tools and I'd like to build one up here by using StackExchange's democratic voting system. There are already some lists around the web, notably these ...
51 votes
16 answers

Should double click be avoided in web applications?

I find that double click is a great gesture that could be successfully used in graphical interfaces but for some reason has negative connotation on the web. Should it be avoided at all costs?
Denzo's user avatar
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48 votes
4 answers

Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?

I'm working on a ERP / Accounting (lots of tables and data) web app and was wondering what color scheme would be appropriate for this type of application? Users will be sitting in front of their ...
DI_SO's user avatar
  • 583
48 votes
5 answers

Should we use the 3x3 9-dots icon as an apps menu?

As the web continues to evolve and more complex applications emerge, there is a need to let the user quickly navigate between applications. This action is different from the navigation menu we see ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
45 votes
5 answers

Should iOS native app be distinctly different than the responsive website's mobile version?

I was in a training session, where a room full of designers were learning iOS prototyping in Xcode, and there was an individual there who came from Apple to make sure everything in the course was done ...
UXerUIer's user avatar
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36 votes
9 answers

Should I add sound effects to my web site?

I'm considering adding sound effects for interaction on my site. I'm fond of the quick, < 1/4s sound effects on iPhones when sending mail, messaging, etc. I'm thinking it gives a nice, positive ...
Chloe's user avatar
  • 797
35 votes
2 answers

Best practices for UI that introduces new users

I'm working on an onboarding UI to help new users get familiar with our platform and I was thinking about some good ways to implement it. From what I have come across so far, it seems that many ...
Ian's user avatar
  • 505
34 votes
8 answers

Save, Favorite or Star?

I'm working on a job app and I would like to offer our user the possibility to save a job and let them find it quickly later. First I thought using a star icon to let them "star" a job like starring ...
Matteo's user avatar
  • 645
34 votes
5 answers

What unicode symbol should I use for EDIT?

I'm trying to keep a very light payload on a wordpress plugin I'm writing. Users will be able to: add - + refresh - ⟳ edit I'm thinking of using the pencil glyph: ✎, but I'm not sure about it. What'...
MattK's user avatar
  • 795
33 votes
5 answers

Any Research on User Experience Perceptions of Native Apps vs Web or Hybrid Apps

My organization is looking at developing mobile applications, we have a wealth of web development resources. There are many factors to consider in making the decision of how to develop this ...
sirtimbly's user avatar
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30 votes
10 answers

Is it ok to require certain users to have JavaScript enabled?

I am a firm believer sites should work perfectly fine for people who choose to disable Javascript while browsing any and all of the content. However, when it comes to higher-level interaction (such ...
Xeoncross's user avatar
  • 491
29 votes
4 answers

Responsive design: Should I go bigger than 1024px?

I have 6 responsive variations for a web app, from 916px to 320px wide. While running some internal tests, 2 out of 6 people mentioned that they would prefer if the app responded to bigger screens too,...
Yisela's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

Is it better to use a Yes/No question or offer the actual values?

Which radio option is better for a web application in real estate? Choice A) List property publicly? ( ) Yes. Make the property viewable from my home page. ( ) No. Hide the property from my home ...
riddle_me_this's user avatar
26 votes
5 answers

Why aren't Gmail-like "on-page" dialogs more popular UI solutions?

A few months ago, Gmail gave us the choice to switch to a new UI, with many new features (...) including an "on-page-docked" window. I personally find this piece of UI very useful as it allows users ...
SuperFluxx's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

Displaying states of machines – Overview site

We need to display the state of some machines in our web application. The machines can have about 8 different states. Our idea is to make a site where the user can see all machines and their state. ...
user1320170's user avatar
24 votes
10 answers

How to display a division by zero in a grid?

I have to make an internal web-app for my company (with C# and Telerik). I have a grid with financial reporting inside with a simple KPI displaying the budget already used in percentage : ...
Alex's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

0 to 10 rating system alternative

I have a system where the user has to rate other systems efficiency, availability, functionality and velocity in a 0 to 10 scale. I was going to use a simple "10 stars" interface for this, but I ...
t.pimentel's user avatar
24 votes
8 answers

Is there evidence to suggest that designing tabs within tabs creates a bad user experience?

I'm designing a complex web application and my colleague believes that using a tab panel is a bad idea. I'm more ambivalent. Can anyone point to any evidence (anecdotal or research-based) that could ...
user avatar
23 votes
7 answers

red checkmark vs. a red "X"

I am currently designing a panel in my business application that shows a table of data to a user. The data in the table is the company's percentage (this is equated by many different values), whether ...
Jason Frade's user avatar
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23 votes
7 answers

Should my webapp's tabs use browser tabs or an in-page tab?

I'm currently working on a web application where the pages will open in different tabs. And I'm curious which UX is better: A) tabs that open directly on the application page B) tabs that open as ...
jimmytedesky's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

Guidelines for when to auto-save settings vs "save" button

In our web application we have a number of pages to do with user settings, in different categories. For most of them we have a display page with an edit button/link, which takes them to a form which ...
Erics's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

WYSIWYG vs MarkDown - is there a middle ground?

I'm trying to figure out how to let my users edit their content on my site. It's currently just text formatted depending on the screenwidth, but I'd like to give them more control over their content: ...
SB2055's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Right-Click menu awareness on Web Application

The web application I am building has a custom right-click menu. I'm concerned that the user might not find this menu as normally right-clicking will only display the default browser's menu. Is there ...
dCrook's user avatar
  • 253
22 votes
5 answers

Displaying wait indicator for a long running task -- which sometimes completes quickly

In a web application I am working on there are some actions which usually take a few seconds or longer, depending on typical variables (connection speed, PC speed, amount of data involved, host load, ...
jlarson's user avatar
  • 897
22 votes
4 answers

How to expose the keyboard shortcuts of a web application to the user?

I just added some basic keyboard shortcuts to a small website I am developing. I am wondering what is the best way to expose these to the user? I noticed that Gmail shows an overview if you press ?. ...
jens's user avatar
  • 321
21 votes
7 answers

Intuitive dialog for choosing whether to close and lose changes or keep editing

It's a pretty simple use case. I have a modal with an editable form. If the user enters something into the form and then tries to cancel, we want to warn them they have unsaved changes, which they'll ...
panta82's user avatar
  • 353
21 votes
2 answers

Two forms to choose from, choose only one

I've got one screen with two API options available (web tool). Both forms include a title and two input fields. The user can only choose one API at the time. Now, I've tried checkboxes, a dropdown ...
Geffrey Bos's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Should the search box be on the left or the right side

In a web app with a search box in the header - where should the search go, on the left or the right side of the header? What considerations should be taken into account when making this decision? In ...
Vitaly Mijiritsky's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

Should :focus and :hover styles be the same or distinct?

I'm in the midst of redefining a cross-application style guide, and I want to make sure we're accounting for accessibility in the design, including contrast ratios, text sizes, and focus states. One ...
Josh Johnson's user avatar
21 votes
7 answers

User Profile, My Account, or just Settings?

I am writing a little webapp, and am stuck on a UI hangup. I have a global menu bar at the top of the screen, that when the user is signed in consists of: Signed in as Joe User (with username as ...
DomoDomo's user avatar
  • 313
21 votes
4 answers

How to handle conflicting updates of a customer record

We are developing a simple web based single-page CRM-like app. I was thinking about what happens when two operators are both editing the details of a customer "John Doe". On the server side we use a ...
MattUI's user avatar
  • 211
20 votes
4 answers

Showing progress for a long many-step process with a discrete progress bar?

I've got a desktop-focused web application where the user is going to be initiating tasks that take a long time. Sometimes, these tasks will take hours to complete (users don't have to do anything ...
Mark D's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Phased re-designs

I have worked on several projects(line of business web applications) in my career that involved a complete UI overhaul. Most of these projects were enterprise web applications that took a substantial ...
rick schott's user avatar
  • 4,745
20 votes
3 answers

Horizontal and vertical menus in web applications

It is now very common to find top horizontal menus in websites. Some reason of that might be habits and Jakob's law. In web applications you might find a menu on top or on the left side equally. Most ...
Gildas Frémont's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

What's a good way to display settings that can be configured from both "directions"?

For a part of configuration, we need to allow the user to get a quick overview AND the ability to quickly set user-groups and their permissions, from both directions. Meaning: The user should be able ...
DennisW's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

Is it worth having custom 404 pages for different features of a web app?

We've seen a lot of beautiful custom error pages for server errors such as 404 and 503, but it seems like each site or app has just has one for whatever page you cannot reach. Is it in anyway ...
sambert's user avatar
  • 195
19 votes
2 answers

Underscores vs. hyphens in URLs

I'm trying to come up with a page-naming convention so that each page in a web application I'm developing has the human-friendliest URL possible. The current URL structure of the web application is: ...
jqp's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Custom right click context menu on a web site

Are right click context menus that override the browsers context menu considered a good usability practice? If so, are there accessibility concerns? If so, are there any guidelines or best practices ...
rick schott's user avatar
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18 votes
7 answers

How to show the user the possibility to sort a column with space problems

I am working with a big table with 20 columns and a lot of information. I know that the most common way to indicate that a column is sortable is by adding a little arrow at the right or left of the ...
Steve's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Why are CSS cursor types so rare on the web?

Coming across this handy CSS Cursor tool I wondered: why are the CSS cursor types other than default, pointer and text so rare on the web? Even most web applications don't go further than these three ...
user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Why red and blue boxes in close proximity seems to shift position vertically under a dark background

For me (wearing glasses) the red box below appears to be slightly above or below the blue one, depending the angle I'm viewing it. Some of my colleagues don't see it and some do. Not all wear glasses. ...
Han Che's user avatar
  • 283
18 votes
4 answers

When should an 'archived' or deleted row disappear from a table?

Rather than show a confirmation dialogue when someone wants to archive a project (each row in the animation is a 'project'), I've decided to immediately archive, with the option to undo. My question ...
Jamie's user avatar
  • 183
18 votes
4 answers

fixed-width vs full-browser for web app

I'm in the early stages of designing a web application (a network management application). And I can't really decide if to go with a fixed width layout (say 960px) or a variable (full browser width) ...
jrydberg's user avatar
  • 625

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