Questions tagged [undo]

Refers bringing back a previous or older state of e.g. a website or document by reverting one or more previous actions.

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96 votes
13 answers

Deletion: Confirm or Undo? Which is the better option and why?

Which one is the better option and why? Delete with Confirmation [The action cannot be undone] or Delete with one click [And provide option to Undo]
Surjith S M's user avatar
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72 votes
10 answers

Undo History - Why limit it? [closed]

Why do most applications have fairly limited 'undo' history functionality? I've been caught out on multiple occasions (granted its technically my fault) where I've needed to undo a number of changes ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Gmail's Undo send and other UX design patterns for reversing actions/transactions

When Gmail first brought out the Undo feature for sending emails it was a very interesting way to address the typical user behaviour of sending something on an impulse (or just not checking things ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Best design for 'undo' in rich web apps?

I'm wondering what is the best UI pattern to allow users to 'undo' an action in a rich web application? Background: Before you say 'just use the Back button', please read this article which does a ...
M.A.X's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

What is the best method to undo an action?

Imagine for the sake of simplicity I have a web app to-do list, where each item is a line and has a check mark near it. When the user clicks the check mark, the task is then "done" and the line fades ...
Mikle's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Designing and Implementing Undo / Item-Level Undo

I am planning adding an undo/recover mechanism to an existing application, and I am looking for ideas hwo to present it to the user under pretty ugly restrictions. I've found a few particular hints, ...
peterchen's user avatar
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