Questions tagged [tagging]

Tagging is the process to add tags to content. In usability tagging helps other users to know the scope of the content

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22 votes
4 answers

Does the average user understand the difference between "tagging" and "categories"?

Which is more user friendly for the "mass population" on the internet? Is it better to present the traditional "category" pattern when having them post something on your site, or is the "tagging" ...
johnnietheblack's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Categories or tags based navigation ?

I am not sure if tags based navigation would be easier for users. In our web we categorize software (like and categories maybe are hard to understand.
El Usabilidoso Ignacio's user avatar
35 votes
11 answers

Can tags have hierarchy?

Does anyone have experience working with nested tags? I could not find any websites that allow users to have hierarchies in their tags (equivalent to non-mutually exclusive categories). Is it a bad ...
Shirley's user avatar
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22 votes
7 answers

Are tag/word clouds useful?

A lot of blogs or other types of sites with a lot of content use tag clouds, where trending words are shown and popular words are displayed larger. For example Should you put a tag cloud on your site?...
bigblind's user avatar
  • 683
17 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between Categories, Keywords, Labels and Tags?

Is there a standard way of using Categories, Keywords and Tags in the context of blogs, websites and web applications? I am not sure if it is a case of these being equivalent of synonyms in some cases,...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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