Questions tagged [style-guide]

A set of guidelines designed to help an individual apply a particular style, often created by designers to help support a front end developer but also used extensively in other fields

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79 votes
8 answers

Should we use 'Title Case' or 'Sentence case' for headlines and buttons?

I am wondering if we should use Title Case or Sentence case for buttons and headings in websites and web/mobile apps? Title Case: Manage my Account Delete my Account Sentence case: Manage my account ...
greenforest's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Should I be more worried about creating a consistent UI among platforms or creating native experiences? [duplicate]

I am starting to develop for all three major mobile platforms (Android, iOS, and Windows UWP), and have run into a UX issue a few times. Each platform has it's own design guide. Android has Material, ...
an earwig's user avatar
  • 243
5 votes
2 answers

Design consistency and style guide

My company has 3 different products, 2 of them are more similar in the interface (one is an advertising/publishing platform, the other is a platform to publish web and mobile applications), and the ...
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Difference between UI and Visual Design/Style Guide?

From looking at some of the style guide for web applications that are available, there is a distinction made between the visual (icons, colours, logos, etc) and UI (look and feel of user interface ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
  • 27.1k
0 votes
2 answers

When to use primary or secondary buttons?

Trying to understand when to use a secondary button color on home page? I know to use it on save or cancel etc. But when on home sections?
Keano's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

What should be the MANTRA for styling radio-buttons and checkboxes? [closed]

I am trying to style all the HTML elements by making a custom style sheet. Till now, i have succeeded in making only the radio-buttons and check-boxes. here is the link for the demo. I wanted to know ...
Anuj Kaithwas's user avatar