Questions tagged [scrolling]

in kinetic displays, scrolling is sliding text, images or video across a monitor or display

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0 votes
2 answers

Data entry template tricks user into thinking they are done entering all data

Background: Entity I'm working for uses a large number of data entry forms, somewhere along 800-900 range--partially due to regulation and partially self-inflected due to current process. The usage ...
11 votes
3 answers

One scrollbar or two for content + sidebar?

I'm working on a website design and trying to decide whether to have the sidebar scroll independently of the page content, or have just one scrollbar control both divs. What principle should I use to ...
2 votes
2 answers

When reading a long passage, when do users tend to scroll the page?

I'm creating a web page with a lot of text, and elements that animate in once the user scrolls past a certain threshold. I need to determine exactly how far the user should scroll before triggering an ...
3 votes
1 answer

Do you know any research regarding so-called "scroll arrow" used for vertical scrolling?

Currently, I started to be concerned about the "scroll arrow" within the interface. The scroll arrow indicates that the first visible section it's not all and it's more content to scroll. I ...
2 votes
0 answers

Have studies shown people actually use floating "Back to Top" buttons? [duplicate]

I know there are "guidelines" out there for how to handle floating Back to Top buttons, but I haven't found hard data or studies showing that users measurably prefer to use a Back to Top ...
2 votes
1 answer

Should console output or logs wrap when displayed in webpages?

I recently had some debates around how console/logs should be displayed inside a web page, I decided to ask people that likely know better the subject. I tried to make a recording of vertical-...
7 votes
2 answers

Flipping Vs. Scrolling

I'm in the midst of mocking a mobile app, of which its main goal is content consumption (reading items and deciding whether to rank them or not). It currently has several screens with flipping, and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Mobile UX for a list of questions with editable answers?

As part of a larger app, I am designing a mobile UX for a fixed list of 30 questions that the app user can answer. The user can answer from 0 to 30 questions, averaging around 3 answers. They can edit/...
0 votes
2 answers

Recommendations about the size of an scrollable area in a mobile screen? (like a map)

There is always one time when we need to insert a map in a webpage or app while there is a vertical scrolling in the whole content. For example, imagine a web that has a map as the first element of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there any research on where (on the physical screen) people prefer to read content

For example, on a page full with content, where at the bottom near the fold there is some content. Where do users tend to scroll to to read this content? Will they read it where it is, at the bottom ...
1 vote
1 answer

Display large chart inside a card in a Dashboard

I'm going to design a Dashboard, I know how to show the information but my client said to me that a cohort chart is going to have a lot of information. I wonder if it's ok to add to the card that ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is it okay if the primary action after an operation is visible after scrolling

I am designing a web app which contain many different tools this particular tool has two fields one in which user uploads a single file and other where user can upload multiple files. The problem is ...
1 vote
2 answers

Should I use a left aligned scroll bar?

Usually, users expect scroll bars to be at the right side of the content they want to scroll. My page menu is located on the left side of the page however and is intended to be scrolled separately (...
0 votes
1 answer

Best practice for use of grid in the web (desktop browser) application, scrolling is the biggest concern

Grid is the name for the extended table component, that allows the scrolling, ordering, sorting, grouping of the columns, allows to select one or more rows, sometimes allows to select single cells and ...
2 votes
2 answers

What makes Reverse scrolling a sign of Bad UI?

My client needed to design a fully SVG animated website with reverse scrolling. But, I heard some people say things like: Try avoiding Reverse Scrolling, It's a sign of Bad UI design etc... What ...
7 votes
2 answers

Is there any actual data about websites using parallax scrolling?

There are a LOT of opinions and personal anecdotes about parallax scrolling websites, but there seems to be very little actual data. So can anyone share the results of user testing a parallax website?...
32 votes
5 answers

Is scroll within a card good or bad? (In desktop)

I am designing a board view which has card design with huge data in it. So, I am using scroll in a card. Is that a good user experience or is there any better solution?
97 votes
10 answers

What are arguments against the usage of a ticker / marquee on websites?

I was recently asked to add a ticker (with daily updates) to one of our HTML-based dashboards. (A ticker would be text scrolling through the screen. In the past you could achieve something like that ...
3 votes
3 answers

What is the best way to tell users to scroll down in browsers?

what is the best way to tell users to scroll down in browsers? Tests showed, that users do not scroll to the original message (which they need to answer questions):
1 vote
1 answer

Scrollbars for an infinite plane

I'm designing a web application to plan Minecraft builds. Basically, it's a pixel editor except that each tile has a texture instead of a color. I am targeting desktop browsers, though I would like to ...
59 votes
7 answers

Is scrolling better than clicking to reveal more content?

Which is faster? Scrolling down or clicking a button to reveal more content? Currently, our site requires clicking of page numbers to reveal more content. We have 9 channels per page, which fits on ...
0 votes
3 answers

Scrolling with more whitespace vs Everything on one page

Our end-users are used to an old B2B application which contains really small inputs and information that is so close together that it is difficult to distinguish. As a result, users complain a lot ...
4 votes
3 answers

Should a popup get closed if the user scrolls the area behind it?

In the image below, the sidebar (Blue) is a scrollable container that has input-fields, check boxes and a color-picker (yellow). When the user clicks the color-picker button, a pop-up dialog shows up (...
27 votes
6 answers

How to indicate container is scrollable without scroll bars

In Android I'm trying to work out a way to indicate to the user that a container can be scrolled. I'm not a fan of scroll bars and usually turn them off for all containers but would enable the fading ...
17 votes
11 answers

What's a good scroll bar equivalent for a spiral script?

One of my friends is writing a fictional story about a people who use a script that is read in a spiral from the inside out. They write on long coils of flexible material, and longer texts are fed ...
3 votes
3 answers

Need advice on a scroll situation where the clicked item is hard to place

I am developing a GUI where I have a list with products to the left. When a product is selected, an info box is shown to the right. My problem is that the scrollbar for the products is placed to the ...
1 vote
2 answers

Import file & Mapping data

I am working an "Import file" process. This process involves a mapping step and I'm trying to make it as easy as possible. I would like to avoid the horizontal scroll... Do you have any example from ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is the name of this scroller component?

I have these arrows that when clicked scroll n cards to the side. I would like to find a React component that does that, but I don't know how is it called.
1 vote
1 answer

scrolling vs stepping for labelling a large number of things

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question but I'll try anyway. I have a webapp where the user has to label a large number of separate examples, say 200 of them. Each example is ...
1 vote
3 answers

images loading on scroll experience

Traditionally I have created sites where the images all download at once, but you often see sites where the images only download once they are scrolled to and in view in the screen. I presumed this ...
4 votes
1 answer

Best way to scroll long content on mobile screen?

I am trying to decide the best way to have a certain amount of content scroll on a mobile screen. Background: I am developing a mobile app for keeping track of your bills and expenses. I am trying ...
3 votes
1 answer

Opposing sorting direction

The problem: We have 2 screens in our app where the scrolling chronological is reversed (one page scroll in ascending chronological order and the other descending). From a UX point of view, this seems ...
1 vote
1 answer

Content not viewable due to page scroll

Context We deal with a lot of data in our product. Mostly we design list views in such a way that when you click on any row in the list view you get to see the detail view on the right side of the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Swipe to refresh leaderboard

Our mobile game has a leaderboard widget with names and scores: This is a scrollable list with 50 to 100 elements in it, sorted by score. One entry is for the current user, others are for his ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to help users keep the effort when filling a long (160+- questions) questionnaires?

I am lending a hand on a project of my friend who is designing a questionnaire for high school students to determine what kind of higher education they are suitable for. There will be over hundred ...
0 votes
3 answers

Scrolling up on mobile, but getting stuck on a scrollable list

Simple task: a user needs to scroll to the bottom of a form, before the bottom there's a scrollable list that is as wide as the form itself. When the user arrives at this list, it stops scrolling ...
9 votes
3 answers

UI pattern to hint at important content outside of viewport

Does anyone know the name of the pattern where you add indicators that there is important content outside of the viewport? I am trying to find some inspiration but for the love of God I can't find ...
1 vote
2 answers

What do you call websites that scroll sideways AND vertically?

I need to research sites with similar functionality to this one: but I can only find side scrollers or vertical ones - not both together - please could someone suggest a search ...
1 vote
1 answer

When to bring in a scroll?

I have a row of elements, and have a second row of elements below it. I am trying to keep both the tables in view of the user. At what row count should I ideally introduce a scroll?
15 votes
3 answers

Best practices for scrolling and navigation on touch interfaces: horizontal vs vertical

It's well known that on traditional (mouse/keyboard) interfaces horizontal scrolling goes against user expectations, however in touch devices the matter is not so clear. Are there any best practices, ...
5 votes
2 answers

What is this specific UX element called?

The new Apple Pencil site has an above the fold introductory element where it says "Its only a ... pencil/scalpel/note-taker..." and this scrolls like a slot machine. What is this effect called? I've ...
2 votes
3 answers

Header that changes on scroll

Is there an official name for a header who's characteristics (e.g. background color, height, etc) or that of its content change as the user scrolls? An example can be found on where the ...
2 votes
3 answers

Fixed primary navigation and secondary navigation pit bar right below

I am currently designing an ecommerce site that has a fixed primary navigation, but further down the page we have a secondary navigation (Product Specifications, Additional Information, User Reviews) ...
1 vote
1 answer

Modal - verticals, and horizontal scrolls

I have a modal in which I have to include 13 columns in a 12-grid column. That would involve a vertical scroll, and a horizontal one. Should i go with pagination so I can do with one of the scrolls?
1 vote
3 answers

How to decide whether to paginate or scroll?

This game-related app is navigated through the sidebar, and there are tabs that in the main section to further navigate an area. In the 'Updates' tab (shown), I am questioning how much information ...
3 votes
2 answers

How should I design scrolling on my web site?

I'm redesigning an old reporting application for the Web, - previously it was a Windows Application. I have in mind two approaches, and I do not know which one is preferable for the users, so I hoped ...
1 vote
1 answer

Travel planning app — best navigation pattern for horizontal scrolling?

I'm designing a trip planning app that allows users to create events under vertical 'Day Columns.' It scrolls horizontally. However, the 'Day' columns containing events are potentially infinite and ...
1 vote
2 answers

Lengthy forms with scroll (on Web)

Is there any recommended way to tackle very lengthy forms, with long scrolls? I'm talking about web interface. My use case requires the user to fill up a lengthy form for each operation ("operation" ...
3 votes
1 answer

Best way to indicate horizontally scrollable sections to a user?

I'm working on my website and I love the idea of using horizontal scrolling to display large lists of items while saving vertical space. The problem I'm having is that in the desktop version of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Scroll wheel vs. Explicit Scroll Buttons (OR BOTH!)

Let's say you have a section of scrollable content, a lesson plan for example. It's contained in a sidebar in the UI. Assuming users understand that they can scroll with their scroll wheel or mousepad ...

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