Questions tagged [forms]

Forms are a collection of input fields and design patterns that collect and process different types of qualitative and quantitative data input from users. Can include the visible user interface components as well as the logic required for controlling aspects of its behavior such as form validation, data retrieval and storing of incomplete forms.

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1 answer

Interaction with remote validated form

I have a form with one or more fields which must be validated by hitting a remote (ajax) service. I can validate at several different points, each of which seems to present pros and cons: On keyup ...
jinglesthula's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating new item with ajax

If I have a form which is used for creating data which will be displayed on the same page, I'm unsure how I should present the new item upon creation. The scenario; an item is created, post data sent ...
Robin Castlin's user avatar
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How obvious is it that an element that looks like a flick switch can be clicked?

When looking at a form element styled to look like a flick switch but that actually behaves like a clickable element, how likely is the user to realise that they can click the element to switch it, ...
Toni Leigh's user avatar
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Sliders without inputs - terrible idea?

Here's a part of iMovie UI that confuses me. All clip&audio settings can be only adjusted by manipulation on sliders. There's no way to type in specific number. My first thought - this is just ...
marcintreder's user avatar
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6 answers

Form with scores and question weights

I have been tasked of designing a form which has X amount of set questions the customer can pick in a back end software. Each question has a point against it (which can be defined) and to complete the ...
Wander's user avatar
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4 answers

How to balance formality against ease and friendliness for electronic signatures?

We have some legal forms we would like entrants to sign before and/or after participating in contests and sweepstakes conducted on our websites. (We authenticate before any of this, so we'll know ...
Taj Moore's user avatar
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1 answer

I am trying to think which is the best way for a simple crud

Having little experience I am wondering which is the best way to add a simple CRUD functionality for the ListView there.The design is incomplete.The two black buttons down there are for Create end ...
GorillaApe's user avatar
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Parent Record Data Lists Always Visible or Only When Needed?

I am rebuilding the interface for my band's web site. Currently, I have all main-level navigation in one, horizontal list. However, the navigation leads to some pages that have a defined hierarchy. ...
Michael Dawson's user avatar
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1 answer

How to display numbers of an estimated amount

Which is the best way to display numbers of an estimated amount of items. for example, if my algorithm can only display the following answers: at least 5 / above 5 for 'above' it can be something like ...
Poli Laks's user avatar
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Arrangement of info on overview view vs detailed / edit view

My client's site is essentially a collection of forms. When fully expanded, it is very dense. They have broken the info into categories (for simplicity's sake, let's say there's a "personal info" ...
Debbie's user avatar
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Interface for preventing certain items to be combinational with each other

Suppose that I have three lists with items [A1, ..., A10], [B1, ..., B10] and [C1, ..., C10] and I apply the cartesian product on those lists. Then I will get [[A1, B1, C1], [A2, B1, C1], ...] Now I ...
Dat's user avatar
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What are the best practices, or guidelines, to having a web form auto-save and manually save? [duplicate]

There are many ways in which a web form is made to auto-save and manually save; I'm wondering what would be the best practices to do so. Form is a web application form, and I want to save user values ...
yaserso's user avatar
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3 answers

Should fields be hidden if another field could appear in between?

I'm making a form which will have various yes/no answers. In response to the user's action, the form might display more fields. Some fields will always be displayed. For example (completely made up ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to display and modify one-to-one relationships

I'm currently tasked with implementing a method of mapping certain attributes (e.g. tax codes, nominal codes, country codes etc...) between 2 systems. These mappings will tell the system that when ...
Blinx's user avatar
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What's the best way to work with user defined tables / fields. Form or Sheet?

I am developing an app builder and need a way to build custom tables (user can create tables and custom fields with relations) There are two common approaches for the UX in designing the table and ...
Homam's user avatar
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3 answers

How to edit form with existing uploaded file

I have a simple form which requests text data, and has a file input. When the data is entered and a file selected, it is uploaded and becomes part of the record. I'm wondering what is the correct UI/...
zundi's user avatar
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2 answers

Group input fields in form [duplicate]

I have a form with six different input fields. Two of these fields are an either/both case, i.e. the user does not have to fill out both, but one of them is required. My problem is the design of them. ...
efrethe's user avatar
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how to indicate mandatory group in IOS -UPDATED

I have a form where fields are marked (*) to indicated they are required. But there is a strange use case where Level and Space have a dependency on each other such that either space or level or both ...
colmcq's user avatar
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Changing error message colours on different backgrounds

On our site, we have different backgrounds colours for various forms, and the designers have assigned different colours for the error messages, depending on the background. I was wondering whether ...
juju's user avatar
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What's the best method of email verification? [duplicate]

For a registration page, what's the best way to verify a user's email address? Some websites ask you for the username, password and email address all on the registration form and then email you a link ...
CalB2207's user avatar
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Association of child items to a parent in a form

My app manages companies data and allows selecting multiple partners (also managed by the user) to associate with a company. One option would be having two listboxes: one for the available partners ...'s user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Selecting all contents of an input field of text type when focusing

I am working on a registration form for a web application which requires you to enter your first name, last name, date of birth, address and so forth. If the user fills out all of the fields we are ...
dotmartin's user avatar
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2 answers

I'm seeing a new instant email-validation tool on registration forms -- is it new? And what is it? [closed]

I've started to see something in the last few months that I don't remember having seen before and want to know just what it is and how it works. When I'm required to register for some BS site (but ...
Bill's user avatar
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5 answers

Is it better to use tabs instead of a dropdown menu in a contact form?

Is it better to use tabs instead of a dropdown menu in a contact form? Examples:
user31443's user avatar
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What would be best layout for registration form containing 14 input fields.

I made a form for this but user have to scroll through which seems like not too easy So it still bit long
Abhilash Narayan's user avatar
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Name, icon, and color of the button

I want to clear the text from the text box, what should be the button named as? what icon and color should the same button have? Thanks in advance.
GjA's user avatar
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3 answers

how to control user focus?

i am currently developing a prototype for a piece of software. One of the most important things is to show the client, how the UI will look like, so I am making real wpf windows with no real data ...
exp's user avatar
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Enter your email below and we will contact you

My client wants a page in which the following text appears: "Enter your email below and We will contact you" It's then followed by a textfield (to write the email address) and a button to submit it....
chack's user avatar
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6 answers

Dark labels or light labels

Just wondering what your opinions are on html forms. Is it better to have a light coloured label and a dark coloured value or the other way round, a dark label with a light value? What are the ...
invalid_arg's user avatar
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3 answers

Enter a number of employees or select from a range?

In a form asking the user about the number of employees at their company, is it better to ask the user to enter a number or select a range?
Roger Belveal's user avatar
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Why does this UI (Google Translate) have a set of toggle buttons instead of radio buttons?

Saw this on Google Translate, where Google uses these segmented controls (or toggle buttons) for listing the languages. Unlike those present in other products such as Google Calendar or Faceboook ...
Anusha's user avatar
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Improving speed of data entry in a single page calculator form

I've been asked to try and improve a one page calculator form. It is used by telesales people to work out what sort of deal they can offer to a customer and how much commission (called LTR) they stand ...
boz's user avatar
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5 answers

Should websites require e-mail addresses?

I never understood the need to have an e-mail on websites. Using them as a log in is even worse. Does using your e-mail as a log in improve anything? Is memorizing a username really too difficult? ...
Mike's user avatar
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Checkbox or Radio, specific use case

I have a very specific use case and it has led me to question the checkbox vs radio button convention... Radio buttons are used when there is a list of two or more options that are mutually exclusive ...
Mitch's user avatar
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5 answers

Cancel button, reset form or go back?

I'm working on a project where there's a CRUD table, but the editing takes place in an individual page. In this editing page, if the user presses the cancel button, a modal pops up asking for ...
Vicky's user avatar
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How do I ensure my user knows there's more data below this floating CTA?

I have a mobile form, on which the CTA is lower on the page, so a sticky CTA indicates the action for the form upon first glance for users. But, how do I deal with content that is hidden because of ...
Rick P's user avatar
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Forms: side-by-side or vertical for label and text-input?

Is there consensus about whether side-by-side or vertical alignment is preferred? For example, which of these two form fields provides a better user experience?:
timpone's user avatar
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Best way to prompt user for additional demographic info?

Trying to better profile our donors for marketing purposes. Short pop up survey? Append to registration? Email? But most people disregard such emails as spam, and adding an additional field to ...
Mich's user avatar
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Alternative to checkboxes for signup form?

I am designing a simple signup form that asks the user for their email address and then allows them to self-identify as a certain type of user (optionally) before submitting. I.e. the user is signing ...
Jeff K's user avatar
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'Yes to all' or 'No to any' with multiple individual questions - The best way to present to the user

I have list of approximately eight questions that need to be answered on a form (yes/no). If the answer to any of these questions is 'no' then the user is taken to page x, while if the answer to all ...
jj2's user avatar
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What is the best UI for overwriting previously saved values?

I am working on designing a standard for how overwrites should be handled on our software. I have come up with a couple different options for when a user needs to make changes to values that they ...
L. Lemmer's user avatar
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Is there a less technical term than "required field" when marking fields with an asterisk?

Recently the question Is the term 'field' too technical when giving messages on a form? was asked with the top-rated answer saying that in messages, you should instead refer to the information that is ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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Should I present payment options in an accordion?

I'm working on the payment software, that allows users to make payments to different businesses. To make a payment, a user needs to add the business's bank account and the payment method they want to ...
Igor-G's user avatar
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Registration or login on the first page?

I'm designing the first page of my website, the one visitors would hit after typing the site address, and I encountered this problem. Given there can only be one, should there be the login form (like ...
Giulio Muscarello's user avatar
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Should the Name field be required in a contact form?

Given the following form fields: Name Email Content (textarea) What are the pros and cons of having the Name as a required field? (The Email and Content are both required)
ripper234's user avatar
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Suggestions for web form mockup

I'm working on a web application and one of the forms in my application has many inputs. I've tried my best at trying to organize and have them displayed in a manner that saves space and isn't ...
zSysop's user avatar
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How can I improve a Bulk Upload interface?

I need to do some sort of form for bulk uploading information, which will then be converted to a data table for individual editing. The thing is I have some setbacks because of the way it was built. I ...
Mar's user avatar
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How can I allow the user to select an amount of product by either volume or quantity?

I am working on a mobile application. It is like ordering app for grocery but in wholesale and not in retailer. So the order is not in 1 quantity, It is in 10000 kgs. Scenario - I am logged in as a ...
Harshada Sambare's user avatar
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Tell people to not use their PIN as name?

I recently noticed that in the WhatsApp profile section, below the text field for changing my name, there is a hint saying that this is neither my username nor my pin. The form looks like the ...
Marvin's user avatar
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How many steps should a form wizard have?

Currently I'm designing a website that has a form wizard, the form wizard has 11-12 steps and I personally thought that are too many steps for a form wizard, is that still a good number for a form ...
Rob H. Yamin's user avatar
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