Questions tagged [feedback]

Feedback covers both how apps and websites respond to user input, flagging errors, showing effects of actions etc to them AND anything to do with giving and soliciting feedback for the developers and site owners through e-mail, written reports etc.

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550 votes
16 answers

Should error messages apologize?

We are having a discussion on our team about an error message that says "Sorry, you do not have permission to access this feature. Please contact your administrator for assistance." Is it ...
JoelFan's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

The notification tray at the top of Stack Exchange sites: what is it called? And are there other good examples of this?

I'm trying to clean up notifications for a client site and was wondering if the notification pattern that Stack Exchange employs has a name that I can use to search for more examples.
jHung's user avatar
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60 votes
10 answers

Refusing a user permission to click a URL

I've been asked to work on a system message on an intranet where by there are various URLs (linking to lists of content) that have permission rights attached to them, so only certain users have access ...
Spiral13's user avatar
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51 votes
6 answers

Should I provide feedback from a save button?

I'm currently in the process of developing a Windows Application which produces Word Documents. In the program there is the ability to save your progress (different to the "Save as a Word ...
Thomas Clayson's user avatar
13 votes
8 answers

How to solicit feedback from customers

What can I do to get customers to contact me and give feedback on my application? I sell a downloadable Windows desktop application, I also have a web application that is under development (so I'm ...
Nir's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Design recommendation for a button

I have a form in which the user requests a report to the system by clicking the Send Report Request button. The system then produces scheduled reports according to the interval the user selected (...
lamostreta's user avatar
38 votes
4 answers

Is the color red really appropriate for form validation errors?

It seems to be taken for granted that the color red is appropriate to highlight errors. In the case of serious system errors, I agree. However, I'm having doubts that it's the right choice for user ...
Mog's user avatar
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31 votes
9 answers

Should disabled buttons give feedback when clicked?

I was wondering if you could help me with a UX issue I am facing with “disabled buttons in Mobile” We have a few different input fields as part of a mobile onboarding process. These forms have quite ...
Steady As She Goes's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Difference between Notice and Info messages?

I designed a program that is used to send data through the socket. In each program action, I display a message about process state. I'm confused by when to display a Notice message or Info message. ...
bayuah's user avatar
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118 votes
11 answers

How to "force" users to upgrade their browser?

I couldn't think of a better title for this question, but please don't jump to conclusions - I don't really want to point a gun at my users heads! I have a site that works well with the modern ...
Flot2011's user avatar
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47 votes
6 answers

How can I highlight errors when bright red is the main color of the brand?

I'm working on a mobile website for a client whose main brand color is red. The website header and headings are all red. CTA buttons are red too. How can I effectively separate errors (mostly in form ...
bernk's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

At what point should an application change the cursor to an hourglass or display a progress bar?

Our WPF desktop application will be executing various tasks. In general, the average length of time for each task will range from basically instant to a few seconds or longer (possibly minutes). We ...
ikathegreat's user avatar
32 votes
7 answers

What is the right success message?

What would be the right success message when the the user deletes a record? I could think of the following: Record has been successfully deleted Record has been deleted Record was successfully ...
Mico's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Asking feedback/rating for a mobile app?

Fig.1: A typical prompt, asking user for feedback/rating in iOS Background Any serious smartphone users must have seen a message similar to Fig.1 above at least once. Variations of such prompt include:...
melvynkim's user avatar
  • 375
12 votes
4 answers

What is the most effective way to solicit and manage open source project UI feedback?

I'm planning to release a project which will integrate with several popular content management systems as a plugin and operate as a stand-alone service - beyond providing users with a simple contact ...
danlefree's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How can I maintain usability on a slow system?

Obviously a huge part of a positive UX is a fast, responsive design. The software I work with (Electronic Medical Records) is sometimes used on sub-standard devices (e.g. ancient desktop PCs) or in ...
Andrew Shipe's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

How to get many questions in single flow without using the Next button causing server interruption till end of question set?

I am working with many questions and want a way by which users don't need to use the NEXT button for every question. It should be flexible, so that the user can move any where on any question he ...
user43553's user avatar
56 votes
13 answers

Messages such as "Operation Successfully Completed": Is word "successfully" really necessary?

We see it everywhere: database queries to shopping carts, the message "Operation X successfully completed" is ubiquitous. But is the word "successfully" really necessary? Is there a way to ...
sampathsris's user avatar
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41 votes
8 answers

Visual feedback of "no new data" after pull-to-refresh

I really like pull-to-refresh as a way to force an update of a reverse-chronological list. However I've noticed a somewhat awkward pattern in my own use of pull-to-refresh, and I assume I'm not the ...
balpha's user avatar
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37 votes
10 answers

What's the point in electronic devices beeping on keypress?

Many electronic devices, mostly cell phones, by default beep on keypress. What's the point in that? Once a key is pressed their state is changed and that's reflected in the graphic interface anyway. ...
sharptooth's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Do progress bars help completion rates?

I'm expanding on a question I posed in comments on How do you indicate progress to users in a multi-step form?. Roland made the comment "because everybody wants to reach 100% percent" when discussing ...
Charles Boyung's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Should an interface ever say "thank you"?

I just read an answer to another question, in which Roger Attrill wrote: You might not need to say Thank you if this is a very frequent action or if your user's won't appreciate the nicety - just ...
Patrick McElhaney's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to indicate success to user without a message box?

I've read in books and a website that discussed great UI design that you shouldn't "bother" the user with too much feedback or message boxes and pop ups. I also think that as a user, I'd like to know ...
Sisyphus's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Which is a good method for delete without confirmation?

I have read around a few places that confirmation messages are not the best way to go about warning users, it's best to let them do whatever they want but give them the option to go back. I thought ...
Damon's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

What will be the Best notifications and error messages?

As a UI architect, I am always wondering about the best format to display errors and notifications to users. Which of the following examples is the best format? Name is required Name cannot be ...
Pir Abdul's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How to convince a user to fill out a survey

I am working on a project that provides a service (landscaping) to members of the community. When the work for that client is finished we always encourage the client to go to our website to fill out a ...
PL3X's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

What symbol to use to represent feedback

When reading Which "Like" symbol is best to use I suddenly realised that the UX community may be able to help me solve a little problem: I'm working on a site which has just gone in to Beta ...
TJH's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Do online-feedback tools generate useful feedback?

We'd like to gather feedback from our users after the re-launch of our website. We do usability tests and interviews but I'd like to provide an easy way to give feedback for any user. There are tons ...
Phil's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Standardized (web) application error messages? [closed]

I'm in the middle of coding a bespoke CMS for a company and if there is one thing I hate it's coming up with good copy for "flash" messages (short messages that provide user feedback.) I know how ...
rich97's user avatar
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8 votes
9 answers

What are the pros and cons of getting design recommendations from usability test participants?

I'm looking over a usability report, and one thing is jumping out at me: at the end of each section in which an identified usability issue was discussed, is a section entitled "Recommendations." ...
gef05's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Should I add a floating, fixed feedback button on the pages of my website?

I would like to add a Feedback feature to my website. Should I add it as a floating,fixed button on the side? Is that considered something users are annoyed by? If I shouldn't, which method is ...
user1953552's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Help with expert reviews

I am reviewing a client website. Usually I will find plenty wrong and will be able to highlight issues and recommend solutions. The problem with this particular project is that the website is actually ...
colmcq's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

What are the best practices for keeping and analyzing unstructured user feedback?

To get and analyze users' feedback is vital for designing successful products as all of you perfectly know. It is more or less clear what to do with surveys' results, but what is the best way to keep ...
Andrey Katuhin's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Mockup review process [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can we improve the internal wireframe review? I am trying to understand what the best practices are for sharing mockups with clients online and capturing feedback on ...
Jijesh Devan's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

Best strategy to gather feedback for beta android app

I am working on a product that will soon release a beta android app, not through google play, but just sending the apk around to a couple of people. I am now looking for ways to gather user feedback ...
FoF's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Should we tell users that a link or button will open in a new tab or window & how to do so?

I have encountered users (and myself) who feel that at times when clicking on links it can be surprising when things open in a new window or tab and they didn't expect that action. I believe it would ...
Frank Visaggio's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Specific techniques to interview customers/users for UX/customer discovery questions

I am a UX designer, and my task in a desktop application development is to discover what is the need of the users and how they would want to use it. It's a UX designing job plus customer discovery/...
Graviton's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Error Message Advice (for asynchronous/background tasks)

We have a web application which currently performs a number of intensive, time-consuming tasks. The initial design didn't really cope with the levels of information we're now dealing with and we're ...
Sam K's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to ask for details to a poor reviewer?

Our company has an Android application online, able to be downloaded. We have a lot of daily downloads and reviews, and we currently have a pretty heavily maintained rate of 4.37/5 On the other hand, ...
Sergi Juanola's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Is this color readable?

I'm not sure that this orange color meshes well with my green and white theme, or that it's easily readable. If it is not readable, is there a better color that would be more easily readable? Should ...
Jakob's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Does the user want a notification when an action is performed successfully?

Is it good practice or not to give the user a notification of a successfully performed action? Like saving or deleting an item. Is it annoying and excessive or is it useful? I am mostly referring ...
efrethe's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why does the "Thank you for contacting us" page still include the contact form?

After submitting a subscription or contact page, the user is typically presented with the same form with one change: an often small statement saying "Thank you for your response." Why would ...
Michael McGinnis's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Should bulk-editing functions be hidden until a table row is selected, or is there a better solution?

As an example, MailChimp displays subscriber lists in a table/data grid. Notice that while the user can select one or more rows using the check box at the left of each row, he doesn’t know what ...
Daniel De Laney's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to get users feedback on experience when they are not 'your' users?

Storytelling mode You can skip it if you want ;) I am UI and UX designer on a LMS solution. An LMS is a CMS dedicated to digital learning purpose and sold to a wide range of clients. Some of them ...
Christophe VM's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

"No video device" feedback examples

My app uses the webcam, some users may have a device not supported or even no device at all. Could you guys give an example of "negative" feedback to the user? I can't decide. "No device detected" "...
Nicke Manarin's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Should we explicitly alert the user that an operation they performed was successful/unsuccessful, even though it's implicitly obvious?

We have a few buttons on our website that when clicked do somethings that are obvious (download a file, open a new tab etc) but don't actually change anything on the webpage. The answer here https://...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to show correct and incorrect answers to multiple answer test?

I'm in the process of converting a paper-based test to an online one. One particular test is giving me significant pause for thought. It's a multiple answer, "check all that apply" question ...
Oli's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

Building out UI for Org to kick off Remote Process, How to Display Feedback?

In Unix, the correct procedure is to be quiet when your process successfully works. In modern Graphical User Interfaces, the Unix standard does not apply. We're piloting and releasing updates ...
Aaron Hall's user avatar
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