Questions tagged [data-mapping]

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16 votes
2 answers

Uploading CSV/Excel data, present mapping functionality or download the schema?

With this question assume the users understand CSV/Excel. I am looking for the most usable approach for importing data (5-15 rows) into an application. Is it better to let the users download an ...
rick schott's user avatar
  • 4,745
12 votes
5 answers

Optimal interface for specifying a mapping between known field set and fields discovered in CSV file?

We are building a data import feature in which our users will open an arbitrary CSV file and define a one-to-one mapping of its fields to a list of known fields in our database. The list of fields is ...
Aidan Ryan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How should I represent a tree structure?

Context I have data from a source that has categories and sub categories and in some cases, even sub-sub categories. Requirements The actions that can be performed on the tree elements are - ...
Ashwin Nepal's user avatar