Questions tagged [analytics]

the analysis of large data sets (such as website visitor behaviour or business process execution) to observe and visualise patterns, with common goals being improvement in user engagement, profitability or user experience

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2 answers

30% users have remained idle to your Saas Product, what to do?

What do you do as product owner / founder when the metrics shows 30% of your customer who have paid subscriptions in your Saas Product, have not logged in to use your products for more than 3 months. ...
shakya90's user avatar
1 vote
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One group of filters applying to the whole page and another group to one section of dashboard, what should be hierarchy and positioning of filters?

I am working on a product that has an overview page - where users can find two sections statistics and a data table. At the top of the hierarchy, we display the date and 'partner' filters that apply ...
niccoloz's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Hotjar clicks outside of the application

I use hotjar for my products and sometimes we have unsual behavior that is always repeated (ex: user clicking in an empty part of the screen). Does this happens because hotjar is recording clicking ...
nanosphere11's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to allow users to opt out from data tracking tools?

Our team is implementing Hotjar and Google analytics so we can start tracking data to help us improve the user experience but I was thinking it would be ethical to allow users to opt out if they don't ...
Orange Juice's user avatar
-1 votes
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What are some rationales for requiring end users to create an account when they do their online shopping?

There are lots of online stores which sell stuff. Suppose an end-user buys an inner tube for their bicycle from a website (Tube World probably is a real thing, but I meant it to be a ...
Toothpick Anemone's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Measuring UX in a data visualization application

We design and maintain a web app for projects monitoring and data visualization. The product is used in an intranet with 500+ users. The main feature of the product is using a dashboard with metrics ...
gusans's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to find out why a website is performing badly on Android phones?

We have an ecommerce website that constantly performs worse in Android web browsers. Click-through rate, conversion, are all significantly lower than iOS device browsers. How would one start to check ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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3 answers

Should we implement a map feature or not? Building an analytics platform

We are building an analytics platform for our system, now focusing on introducing new metrics or reports. We wanted to introduce a map that shows visits to the websites of our Users. However, what we ...
Madzik's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Studies of the impact visual design has on user engagement

My intuition is that well-designed sites are more pleasing for us to navigate, which means well-designed sites receive more user engagement. Are there studies that test this hypothesis? A/B tests of ...
duhaime's user avatar
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0 answers

How many users you lose when forcing a mobile app update? [closed]

I'm evaluating if forcing my android & iOS users to upgrade their apps by disabling the "default functionality" of the app and only showing an "update message" is a good idea. ...
Ilich A.'s user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Task Completion Time

I am trying to measure the average time that it takes users to complete certain task in my web app. My objective is to come up with a metric based on the time that it takes to complete each task and ...
Viebone's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What results to display when comparing current and past data?

Working on an analytics dashboard that allows the user to select a recent date range with the option to compare that date range against a previous time period. Now, let's say they want to see how ...
Rohrski's user avatar
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0 answers

Clickable KPI tabs that update the filters

In a system, I am working on I want to create a KPI which is also a tab, like in the image from google analytics and I want it to affect the filters as well: Do you know any reference that behaves ...
Eran Bar's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you measure Retention in the HEART metrics with B2B enterprise software?

When working with B2B enterprise software that is often sold in 5+ year contracts, how do you (or do you) effectively measure retention? The end users are employees of a company that purchased this ...
Benjamin S's user avatar
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What process should be undertaken to get feedback from white-label clients?

I'm currently working with a company that distrbutes their white-label product and I was wondering what is the best process in order to get feedback from clients in regards to how their customers are ...
Indp_variable's user avatar
1 vote
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How to see why some pages have higher conversion rate then others?

On wbesite that I work on, I get task to analyze why some pages have higher conversion rates then others (or why some pages have lower conversion rate). For example Homepage have conversion rate 4% (...
SynthExperience's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Teasing Dashboard reports. Use dummy data or empty reports?

I’m currently designing a dashboard that relies on having a connection to Google Analytics. For the users that aren’t connected to GA, what would be best to show for them? We want to have a strong CTA ...
juliamhotz's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to design a chart that has an x-axis with a fixed range that is longer than the selected range?

I'm designing a web-based analytics dashboard that contains a chart in which the x-axis represents the days of a campaign, and it always shows 31 days. However, the duration of a campaign varies; it ...
Daphna S's user avatar
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2 answers

'And' Filter visualization

I am designing dashboard, and have a filters panel on the side. What is the best way to reflect the user that the filtering is an 'AND' combination and not an 'OR' combination?
POLINA ABRAMOV's user avatar
1 vote
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UX Benchmarking: How much detail should be collected from a user within an enterprise product?

There's a lot of value collecting benchmark data about a user's experience over time. The problem that we are running into is how much information should we ask from our user to help us make informed ...
MissTechLady's user avatar
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Impact on website analytics caused by accessibility issues

An interesting result published on the WebAIM website shows that when it comes to WCAG Conformance for the the top 1,000,000 home pages : 97.8% of home pages had detectable WCAG 2 failures! These ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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How to identify patterns from users survey comments

I have conducted an online survey where 1500 users participated. They have their opinions and comments about particular problems. I am trying to consolidate all their opinions & pulling out ...
Souvik Das's user avatar
3 votes
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Why analytics and dashboards are not mobile oriented?

I was looking at some famous analytics or dashboards like Intercom, Google Analytics or Facebook Analytics and I noticed that none of them are optimized for mobile devices. Are there any practical ...
Andrea's user avatar
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2 answers

Visitor-recording solutions and sensitive data?

Has anyone had any experience with visitor-recording solutions such as Hotjar or LuckyOrange? Were there any data-capture concerns? I work in the healthcare industry, and the idea of recording users ...
MoonKat1216's user avatar
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3 answers

Should a bar chart redraw categories in size order or stay fixed position?

I've got a dashboard module that display summary totals across 4 categories. I'm wondering if it's easier to distinguish magnitude by rendering data in size order (descending) or keep fixed category ...
Mike M's user avatar
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1 answer

Best way to structure a table with several columns

I have the following table that needs to be structured in a much more appealing manner - I've been breaking my head into how to structure this better to fit in a desktop screen and also make the ...
Michael Victor's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you diagnose low retention?

A client of mine recently reported that they're not satisfied with the retention rate on their web application ( intended to help lawyers with the administration of their firms). This stemmed from ...
Zack McCartney's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between a dashboard and a report?

The words 'dashboard' and 'report' are used extensively in data visualization applications such as Google Analytics. But what exactly are the defining characteristics of each? And how, precisely, do ...
Michael Heraghty's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Female only persona

i'm working on building personas at the moment, and was wondering how to choose gender for persona. According to gAnalytics and Facebook we have 70%, and 80% Female. Does this mean we should ignore ...
Seif Sallam's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Accessibility: How to track peoples with disabilities on websites?

Is it possible (and How?) to track people with disabilities on websites? I want to know how much people on my website use a screen reader, use plugins for easier reading and surfing on websites, use a ...
ScienceNoob's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to measure scroll-able cards?

We are creating a news app, which provides short news. For this, we have used google's material cards which are scroll-able and tabs for categories. Our main concern is how to track these cards ...
Dilip Kumar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Track Errors in UI [closed]

I was thinking about tracking the errors a user encounters within the UI. The idea is that if I'm notified of such errors, I can start to see trends and correct major issues. Has anyone done this ...
Grant's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Lack of ability to delete goals in Google Analytics - is this poor UX?

If you set up goals in Google Analytics there is no method to delete them, although you can deactivate them (i.e. switch them off) instead. This is documented on various sites such as http://www....
user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

What was the rationale behind pinterest changing its "pin it" button to "save"?

I recently noticed that the popular "pin it" button had been renamed to "save". Personally I did not like it as I thought "pin it" was more accurate for the purpose and also was more in sync with the ...
uxer's user avatar
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1 answer

How to present analytics on website redesign?

I'm currently redesigning a website from scratch which will replace a new one. Considering that the website is not a e-commerce website, but a website that sells a project, the only conversion metric ...
Daniel Vianna's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Do users want to be asked about analytics collection?

We're introducing analytics into our iOS and Android apps for the first time. Is it the done thing to pop something up to make users aware, and allow them to opt out, or are people generally fine with ...
Mark Boxall's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What are the best ways to show the statistics of Hours? [closed]

I found one of the good option which Google is using "Popular Times" in Google Maps for the store searched. Below is a GIF showing a quick demo: Any other idea or option can you suggest which has a ...
AT - UID's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Analytics for a CRM to view more customer information

I'm integrating my inbound marketing CRM to another web application so that I can get more information from my users. Specifically, this web application allows me to create feedback forms so that I ...
fardown's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is Google Analytics the right tool to measure user engagement across web and mobile?

I got a request from the UX team to put in Google Analytics(GA) into our mobile suite of apps to track different user engagement metrics. The reasoning is that GA is already being used on the web side ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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3 answers

How to best understand users' emotions?

A company I'm working for offers widgets for measuring users' emotional reactions to web content (mainly articles). We found that 5 reaction choices was the optimal amount, and currently we offer ...
user69592's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

ethics - Should a Mac app ask the user permission for gathering data about their hardware?

I am programming and designing a Mac OS X system monitoring app. In order to improve the functionality of the app, it will collect this data and send it to my web backend: Type of device OS version ...
3871968's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

How to determine the oldest browser version to support before you have users

I'm working on a brand new website and trying to figure out how to decide the oldest version of IE to support since I have absolutely no user information to look at. Most of the answers I come across ...
Fletchling's user avatar
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How often to review analytics for a client?

I'm trying to write up a UX project plan for a client and I have included a web analytic review in there. My thought is that it would be sufficient to review their web analytics once a month to make ...
Fletchling's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a heatmap solution that works behind a login redirect?

I've been looking for a heatmap to collect analytics on user clicks and behavior; however, I haven't found one that reliably works behind a login redirect. Surely something exists. I've tried: ...
faustman's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What are some of the user research methods conducted for an analytics based product?

I am currently put in a project of designing an analytics product. I was wondering what are the best methods to conduct user research in this area. More Information : The target market is CEOs, CMOs, ...
Dpnyk's user avatar
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Can't find or don't need

It is very often that we find ourselves analyzing metrics and coming to the same cross-roads, do we remove this feature because it's not needed or do we change the way it's presented because it's not ...
user52330's user avatar
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13 votes
11 answers

Real life example how use Google Analytics to improve UX

I'm currently working as a visual designer for a small startup and because we are really small we don't have money to hire UX expert, so I'm trying to do UX as well. We are measuring many kinds of ...
Ecneirepxe's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

what do users expect to find on a "contact us" page?

My contact us page has a 90% hard bounce rate. What do users expect to find on the contact us page? I would like to reduce the bounce rate and engage the visitors more.
Marek Andreánsky's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What is the term to describe the percentage of users that don't proceed from one page to another?

What is the term used to describe the percentage of users that don't continue in a flow? For example, if only 50% of users go from the login screen to the profile screen, what do you call that?
Guorui Wu's user avatar
2 votes
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Best practices to document user flow for your portfolio

As a UX contractor, much of my work is under non disclosure agreements. In order to document and present user flows in my portfolio, what's the best way to show examples without risking confidential ...
jpostdesign's user avatar