I was wondering what to do regarding a form I have that's looking pretty messy and complicated.

There quite a few elements in it and it just looks bad... I removed the labels:

Awful form

I feel one of the ways to go would be to standardize the text box size and organize by column? I don't really know, I don't like the idea of a date input having the same size of an address field... So I would appreciate any suggestion.

--------------- EDIT -----------------

Here's the form with the labels back.

Labels back

  • 1
    Do you really have to have all of those fields?? As much as you try to pretty it up it will still be overwhelming with that many inputs.
    – DasBeasto
    Sep 25, 2015 at 20:20
  • 4
    Without usage context there is absolutely no way to answer this. Your image looks chaotic, but it might actually do exactly what it should, and in the most efficient way for the user's work flow. We don't know. You're basically asked us to organize 50+ UI elements without knowing a single thing about the system or the user. Sep 25, 2015 at 20:28
  • 1
    I guarantee this can be improved dramatically. You'll need to provide a lot more info before I can help... Sep 25, 2015 at 20:31
  • 1
    I think first you should bring the labels back so we can get context and they'll likely be there in the end design so might as well design for them now.
    – DasBeasto
    Sep 25, 2015 at 20:34
  • 2
    I added an image with the labels back, by popular demand.
    – Nelson
    Sep 28, 2015 at 14:27

1 Answer 1


Here are a few ideas.


I'd like to +1 the comment by @DasBeasto: are all of the controls in your form truly necessary? It's entirely possible they are all necessary, but you may also be able to get rid of some edge cases. Put yourself on a UI diet!

Does the product need to be everything to every user on every use, or can you cater to all the most common needs, 80% of the time? This may be a product-management decision more than a user-experience decision. See my remarks below on usage data.


This illustration shows strong grouping (left) and weak grouping (right):


Background shading is one way to show grouping, which helps provide a sense of order to the complexity. In the above illustration, the left side clearly shows two groups.

Be cautious with colour

Be careful with coloured borders and coloured backgrounds, as shown in your illustration. Users won't know what each colour means, but they will assume that it's intended to convey something more than just grouping. It may increase confusion. It may also increase the impression of visual clutter.


The illustrations above and below all show the use of headings to add structure This helps users to scan and skip through the form, since it's clearer where one "section" begins. Organise the sections into groups that make sense to the user. In the illustration below left, the "headings" are also links that trigger the expanding-collapsing action.

Progressive disclosure

This illustration shows progressive disclosure (left) versus all controls (right):

Progressive disclosure

Collapsing and expanding is one way to progressively disclose (show it when it's needed; hide it when it's not), which helps visually reduce or simplify the complexity.

There are many ways to show and handle progressively disclosure, including glyphs, accordions, tabs, which are in place, as well as navigating to other pages, pop-ups, and so on. If you opt for in-place progressive disclosure, be sure to use the correct glyphs that are standard for the platform or operating system.

Check the usage data

Depending on where the results of the form are saved, and depending on how the form is delivered, you may be able to check the server log and check the actual users' data records to determine the frequency and commonality of each control's usage. In plainer language, this means determine how often each control is used:

  • How often — every time the form is used? or only sometimes?
  • By how many — by most users? or only by some users?

Controls that are used less can be buried. You can bury them by different degrees, using progressive disclosure, or even nested progressive disclosure. (Yes, some of this stinks, but when you have as many controls as you have, it's a question of how to compromise.)

  • 2
    It's hard to say as the question stands, but you might be on the right track with the progressive approach. Rather than expanders, paging or a wizard might be better. Sep 25, 2015 at 22:13
  • 1
    Thanks. How about an up-vote to counter the negative ones? Currently I'm at -2 for this answer. :P
    – JeromeR
    Sep 25, 2015 at 22:14
  • 1
    This is a good generic answer for various technique to help declutter a form. I'm very lost as to why it's down voted.
    – nightning
    Sep 25, 2015 at 22:50
  • 1
    @JeromeR Ah I see. =P I believe SE auto saves drafts of your answer. So you can always come back and finish it.
    – nightning
    Sep 27, 2015 at 3:13
  • 1
    Looks like your reputation has been cleared (^‿- ) Sep 28, 2015 at 19:07

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